LONI Visualization Tool (LONI_Viz)®
LONI_Viz System Requirements
- General:
LONI_Viz only requires a
Java 1.2+
interpreter and a
Java 3D
plug-in. Both are freely available from
Sun Microsystems, for a variety
of platforms, including Mac OS, Windows, Unix, Linix, BDF, etc.
- PATH setting:
To run LONI_Viz, once you have downloaded the JAR, ZIP or TAR
file, you need to make sure your java virtual machine knows
where to look for the classes part of the LONI_Viz package,
namely the directory where you installed LONI_Viz.
- UNIX: machine%> setenv CLASSPATH .:/LONI_Viz_instalation_diir/:/other_java_class_dirs/:/usr/java/bin/java/
- Windows: Start --> Settings --> System --> Advanced Settings --> Variables --> Set PATH variable to include the directory where you installed LONI_Viz
- Specific Features:
- CPU equivalent or better than 600 MHz Pentium Chip
- RAM 128 MB +
- 3-key Mouse
- Web-Browser
- OpenGL (SGI) or
DirectX (Microsoft)
graphics library,
- Java virtual machine
(Java 1.2+, JDK+JRE),
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2000 LONI_Viz®,
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