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Wavelet Analysis of 3D Brain Data
- Brain imaging data is complex and
difficult to interpret in its raw format. Here we present a new
approach for 3D brain data analysis using wavelets - oscillating
compactly supported base functions with many nice properties.
- 1D Wavelet Analysis - a real cortical
profile curve (data) is obtained by a coronal anatomical section
through the visual cortex of the human brain. This profile is
represented in the wavelet space by the following formula where
the signal, f(x), is in green and the wavelet-base function in
pink. The wavelet coefficients, left-hand-side, are expressed
as an inner-product of the signal, f(x), and the wavelet-base
functions, Phi_j_k. All wavelet-base functions are related. They
are derived from one common function (mother wavelet). There are
two parameters describing each wavelet base function: a scaling
frequency index "j" and the position index "k both in red. Increasing
and decreasing the scaling frequency index "j" shrinks or expands
the domain of the base function. And altering the shifting index
k changes the position of the wavelet base function Phi.
- An estimate of the original signal
can be obtained by summing/integrating all of the wavelet coefficients
against the wavelet-base functions, for each scaling (j) and shifting
(k) indices.
- Here are some examples of various
wavelet-base functions illustrating the local and oscillatory
properties of the wavelet-signal representation.
- How about if in the function reconstruction
we only add the contributions of SOME wavelets, not all? This
example illustrates the intensities of the cortical ribbon profile
on the top, and its wavelet coefficients on the bottom. Using
a frequency-adaptive filter (depends only on the scaling frequency
index "j") we threshold the wavelet coefficients based on their
magnitude. Large wavelet coefficients would remain and the smaller
coefficients will be ignored (set to zero) in the reconstruction
of an estimate for the cortical profile signal. Here we see the
actual "wavelet-shrinkage approach" - large wavelet coefficients
survive and small ones are zeroed in the thresholding process.
- Only a small number of the largest
wavelet coefficients represent the essence of the signals (usually
1-2%). This is clearly visible by the reconstruction of the cortical
profile from the top 1% of the wavelet coefficients. The smooth
curve has similar shape as the raw signal except that it does
not include the noise present in the data.
- Validation of the efficiency of
this approach is theoretically shown using this formula. The distance
between the raw profile, f, and the reconstructed signal, f^,
is bounded above. In fact, the wavelet thresholding estimate can
not be outperformed by any other estimate across all possible
data signals. It is uniformly the best estimator.
- Here we see a series of 2D axial
brain slices through the human brain. We concentrate on one such
planar image. The information content of the image is stripped
by iterative application of the wavelet filter extracting features
one wavelet at a time.
- A real 3D brain data is shown on
a stereotaxic grid. Then the corresponding wavelet coefficients
of the volume are displayed. As before, we recursively extract
the information-content of the brain volume one wavelet base function
at a time.
- We have used this technique to quantify
quality of image registration, to determine the statistically
significant differences in functional brain data and to multi-resolution
data storage, compression and analysis.