
This WAIR command is used to obtain the Spread Group Classification (SGC) and the induced warp ranking having a family of warps applied to a group of data sets. For example, if we need to quantify warp performance, based on m subjects, each scanned under k different activation paradigms, and we wish to see large spread between the groups of m images, for the various functional activation stimuli, then we use the SGC analysis separately for every warp.

The SGC Classification of family of image-registration techniques is determined based on the warp performance on a group of data sets. You need to have executed "WT_IWT" and "wave_space_varThresh" first before you call "SGC_CWT", if wavelet-space analysis is to be done!


SGC_CWT Num_Data TotNumParadigms TotNumBaseline Num_Dims x_1_Dim_Size [ [x_k_Dim_Size] ] [[WT_Data_1_Par_k]] [[WT_Data_2_Par_k]] ... [[WT_Data_m_Par_k]] results_WTData_SGC_whichWarp.text

where the following definitions are used:

the number of the data sets (m)
the total number of activation paradigms, applied to all subjects (k)
the total number of "base-line" activations. If no paradigm is being repeated, put 1
the total number of dimensions of your data
the the size of the first (fastest varying index) dimension of the data. Remember, all dimension sizes need to be powers of 2
the the size of the k-th dimension of the data
The (thresholded) wavelet transform of the data "i" under the activation paradigm "j", 1<=i<=Num_Data, 1<=j<=TotNumParadigms
file that will contain the output of the SGC analysis for the particular image registration


./SGC_CWT 3 2 1 3 128 128 64 ./WTpet1_freq1_warp1_12812864.img ./WTpet1_freq2_warp1_12812864.img ./WTpet2_freq1_warp1_12812864.img ./WTpet2_freq2_warp1_12812864.img ./WTpet3_freq1_warp1_12812864.img ./WTpet3_freq2_warp1_12812864.img ./results_SGC_CWT_Warp1.text

© 1997 Ivo D. Dinov, ( > )