

The only interactive routine in WAIR 2.0 is "MultiDim_IWT_varThresh". This WAIR command is used to obtain the multi-dimensional inverse wavelet transform (IWT) of a signal using one of 3 possible wavelet thresholding schemes, Uniform (at various levels), Donoho-Johnstone (DJ) and Dinov-Sumners (DS) frequency adaptive approach (see the technical notes).

This procedure is useful for comparing and visualizing the differences between the 3 wavelet shrinkage techniques in the cases of lower dimensional (1D and 2D) images. You need to have executed "MultiDim_WT" first before you call "MultiDim_IWT_varThresh"!



This routines requires no arguments or input parameters. After calling "MultiDim_IWT_varThresh" follow the interactive instructions - you will be asked to input certain information.



  • This interactive routine will determine the IWT of a signal after applying a wavelet shrinkage to the wavelet coefficients.

© 1997 Ivo D. Dinov,