This WAIR command is used to obtain the Cluster Group
Classification (CGC) and the induced warp ranking having a family
of warps applied to a group of data sets.
The CGC Classification
of family of image-registration techniques is
determined based on
the warp performance on a group of data sets.
You need to have executed "WT_IWT" and "wave_space_varThresh" first
before you call "CGC_WTC", if wavelet-space analysis is to be done!
[ [x_k_Dim_Size] ]
- where the following definitions are used:
- Num_Dim
- the number of dimensions of the data set
- x_1_Dim_Size
- the the size of the first (fastest varying index) dimension
of the data. Remember, all dimension sizes need to be
powers of 2
- x_k_Dim_Size
- the the size of the k-th dimension of the data
- Num_Data_Sets
- the number of data sets in the group
- Num_Warps
- the number of warps involved in the study
- Data_1_Warp_k
- data "l" resliced using warp "k",
1<=l<=Num_Data, 1<=k<=Num_Warps
- results_Data_CGC.text
- file that will contain the output of the CGC analysis
./CGC_WTC 3 256 256 128 5 3 ./WTmri1_Wp1.img ./WTmri1_WP2.img ./WTmri1_Wp3.img ./WTmri2_Wp1.img ./WTmri2_Wp2.img ./WTmri2_Wp3.img ./WTmri3_Wp1.img ./WTmri3_Wp2.img ./WTmri3_Wp3.img ./WTmri4_Wp1.img ./WTmri4_Wp2.img ./WTmri4_Wp3.img ./WTmri5_Wp1.img ./WTmri5_Wp2.img ./WTmri5_Wp3.img ./resultsMRI_CGC.text
- This command will quantify, using CGC, the performance of 3 warps
(Wp1, Wp2, Wp3) applied to a group of 5 (thresholded) stereotactic (3D)
WT's of the images of size 256*256*128
(mri1, ..., mri5). The results of the CGC analysis will be saved in the
output file "resultsMRI_CGC.text", in the current directory.
Also look at the batch file "batch_CGC".
Note that the above example represents a single command-line.
© 1997 Ivo D. Dinov,
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