Curves-As-Trees (CAT) Object File Format
Allows us to easily split one predefined contour into several
pieces (Children),
for cytoarchitectonic labeling
All public interface methods for the private/protected members **/
SingleContourObject SCO; // Only leaf-nodes of CAT objects
contain data points. To build
// the entire curve one grabs the SCO's from the children leaf-nodes
// and puts them together.
// Vector_Of(x, y, z; vx, vy, vz; stringAtributes), only the first
// 3 arg's, (x, y, z) are required. A SCO need not
be planar!
// string atributes could be used to demarkate tag-points
// critical for registration purposes, starting/ending curve descriptors,
Vector Parents; // We want multiple parents since one curve may be
// of several curve-objects for example one contour serves as boundary
to many regions //
Vector Children;
string history;
string auxhiliary;
string orientation; // axial/sagittal/coronal/3D
// Coordinate organization
double width_v;
// Voxel/World string width & height. Both are interchangable
double height_v;
string depth_v;
double width_w;
double height_w;
double depth_w;
double xrange_min_v, xrange_max_v;
double xrange_min_w, xrange_max_w;
double yrange_min_v, yrange_max_v;
double yrange_min_w, yrange_max_w;
double zrange_min_v, zrange_max_v;
double zrange_min_w, zrange_max_w;
double x_start, y_start, z_start;
int number_of_parents;
int number_of_children;
-52.000000 2.856786 2.500000
<end of level>
#Point3D <-- AttributePoint3D <-- SingleContourObject <--