LONI Visualization Tool (LONI_Viz)®

Curves-As-Trees (CAT) Object File Format

Only leaf-nodes contain point-data!

Modeled by the MAP Atlas and BrainTree Hierarchical Organization

Allows us to easily split one predefined contour into several pieces (Children),
for cytoarchitectonic labeling

    Curve As Tree Class Organization

class CurveAsTreeNode
{     public:
            CurveAsTreeNode(Vector _Parents);
            CurveAsTreeNode(Vector _Children);

            /** All public interface methods for the private/protected members **/

               SingleContourObject SCO;    // Only leaf-nodes of CAT objects contain data points. To build
                                                                // the entire curve one grabs the SCO's from the children leaf-nodes
                                                                // and puts them together.

                                                                // Vector_Of(x, y, z; vx, vy, vz; stringAtributes), only the first
                                                                // 3 arg's,  (x, y, z) are required.  A SCO need not be planar!

                                                                //  string atributes could be used to demarkate tag-points
                                                                //  critical for registration purposes, starting/ending curve descriptors, etc.

               Vector Parents; //  We want multiple parents since one curve may be part
                                        // of several curve-objects  for example one contour serves as boundary to many regions //

                Vector Children;

                string history;

                string auxhiliary;

                string orientation;        // axial/sagittal/coronal/3D

                                    // Coordinate organization
                double width_v;             // Voxel/World  string width & height.  Both are interchangable
                double height_v;
                string depth_v;

                double width_w;
                double height_w;
                double depth_w;

                double xrange_min_v, xrange_max_v;
                double xrange_min_w, xrange_max_w;

                double yrange_min_v, yrange_max_v;
                double yrange_min_w, yrange_max_w;

                double zrange_min_v, zrange_max_v;
                double zrange_min_w, zrange_max_w;

                double x_start, y_start, z_start;

                int number_of_parents;
                int number_of_children;




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