LONI Visualization Tool (LONI_Viz)®
Data Display Color Mapping
Using some of the Java Swings widgets allows us to display data in any coloring
scheme we wish. To change the default coloring map (gray-scale for the MRI volume
and null for any other volume) go to Display--->Choose New Color Map
menu option.
Some of the colors may be architecture specific and display differently on
different computers.
Commonly used color maps are:
- Gray-scale --> Top row (white-squares), (red=255, green=255, blue=255)
- Hot-Metal --> Light-Pink (255, 204, 204)
- Polar-Ice --> Light-Blue (204, 204, 255)
- Forest-Green --> Light-Green (204, 255, 204)
- Spectral --> Rainbow (0, 51, 51)
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