• Hirono, N; Mega, MS; Dinov, ID; Mishkin, F; Cummings, JL. "Left frontotemporal hypoperfusion is associated with aggression in patients with dementia. Archives of Neurology, 2000 Jun, 57(6):861-866.

    Background: Aggressive behavior is common in patients with dementia. Temporolimbic and prefrontal cortical lesions can produce pathological aggression; however, involvement of these structures has not been established in aggressive patients with dementia.
    Objective: To study the relation between regional brain perfusion and aggressive behavior in patients with dementia.
    Methods: We compared the pattern of regional cerebral perfusion determined with technetium Tc 99mą labeled hexamethylpropelene amineoxime single photon emission computed tomography in 2 groups of 10 patients with dementia with and without aggression, that were comparable for demographic factors, severity of cognitive impairments, and other behavioral symptoms as measured by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory.
    Results: Patients with aggression revealed significant (P, 0.001) hypoperfusion in the left anterior temporal cortex; additional bilateral dorsofrontal and right parietal cortex were also found to be significantly hypoperfused.
    Conclusion: These results indicated an association between aggression and decreased perfusion in the left an-terior temporal cortex.

    \Ivo D. Dinov, Ph.D., Lab of Neuro Imaging, UCLA School of Medicine/