WAIR 2.0 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  1. Change the working directory to WAIR2.0.dir/WAIR_JAVA_GUI.dir
  2. TYPE make to install the main WAIR_JAVA_GUI
  3. TYPE WAIR_GUI_start to START the main WAIR_JAVA_GUI
    This is a JAVA-based GUI which should work on all platforms. Try to use this GUI and not the OLD Vk-based one, described below. Of course, we have configured the GUI to make UNIX executable calls, so for people working on PC/Mac's you may have to open the source and re-configure the GUI commands for your system.

Another (OLDER) GUI is implemented a VisualKit (Vk Library, based on Motif) graphical user interface to WAIR which simplifies the usage of the software. The GUI is easy to install and very handy for running large scale brain data analyses or any number of volumes in a repetitive fashion.
  1. Change the working directory to WAIR2.0.dir/GUI_WAIR_2_0.dir
  2. Run csh README to install the main WAIR_GUI
  3. Similarly, in the subdirectories: GUI_1_warps.dir, GUI_2_WT.dir, GUI_3_Fourier.dir, GUI_4_wave_T_thresh.dir, GUI_5_warp_rank.dir and GUI_6_viz.dir, type "csh README" to install the local parts of the GUI.

Compilation will probably take a few minutes. Let >me know if you get error messages or if you fail to compile the source. I will be happy to help. Also I am counting on feedback from all users that will make the down-loading, installation and usage more user-friendly.

© 1997 Ivo D. Dinov, ( > )